幼少の頃より日本とアメリカで生活を送り、アメリカ在住歴は述べ14年。大学院修了後、ジャマイカ政府観光局での勤務を経てTV局で子ども向け英語番組の制作に携わる。心身の不良をきっかけにヨガを始め、自身の心と体との向き合い方を育みながらその恩恵を実感し学びを深めていく。その中でヨガが社会全体にポジティヴなインパクトを生み出すポテンシャルを強く感じ、ヨガを通して一人ひとりの心から身近な社会の平和、そして世界の平和につながればとヨガインストラクターを目指す。都内スタジオ、オンラインでヨガを伝える傍ら、ヨガ通訳/翻訳、sakura yogaの日英バイリンガルのヨガ講師養成講座の講師としても活動している。
(English available)
• スタジオヨギーTTC (RYT 200)
• sakura yogaバイリンガルヨガ認定インストラクター
• スタジオヨギー ヨーガニドラー トレーニングコース
• Joe Barnett 陰ヨガ指導者養成講座
• Arielle Schwartz セラピーヨガに役立つ応用ポリヴェーガル理論コース レベル1 & 2
• ヴィパッサナー瞑想10日間コース
• 臼井式レイキマスター/ティーチャー
Asuka, or better known to her friends as "Asukey" spent her youth living in Japan and the United States (14 years), being exposed to the unique cultures of both. After finishing graduate school, she had a stint working for the Jamaica Tourist Board, followed by a job at a broadcasting company, where she helped create content for a bilingual children’s show. She started yoga as a means to find inner peace within, and having personally experienced its benefits on both the body and the mind, she delved deeper in to its studies. Seeing yoga’s great potential not only as a means to cultivate inner peace among more people, but also to bring positive impact and change to better our communities, societies, and the world, she took a big leap and enrolled in teacher training. She teaches in a number of studios in Tokyo, as well as online, works as a yoga interpreter/translator, and also as an instructor for sakura yoga’s Bilingual Yoga Teacher Training Course. She hopes through yoga she can serve to help people connect with themselves, as well as with each other, the wider society and the world.
〜Notable Qualifications & Trainings〜
• studio yoggy TTC (RYT 200)
• sakura yoga Certified Bilingual Instructor
• studio yoggy Yoga Nidra Training Course
• Joe Barnett Yin Yoga TTC
• Arielle Schwartz Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga Level 1 & 2
• Vipassana 10-Day Meditation Course
• Reiki Master/Teacher